Tonight our cafe-style service was on the theme 'pray as you can, not as you can't.' I find prayer difficult, and I'm constantly meeting Christians who tell me "I wish I prayed more." I figured maybe someone who wasn't a natural contemplative might be a good person to plan a creative prayer evening. While at college I was always moaning that it was always introverts who planned this stuff... For the extroverts, we had coffee, cake and discussion questions in the coffee lounge. This, for me, was the comfortable bit - talking with other people about stuff while drinking coffee (decaf, natch). Then people were invited to move next door and sample some of the prayer stations, with Norah Jones playing quietly in the background. (Most of the worship music on my mp3 player is loud and not conducive to meditation). There was a table with craft materials, including magazines and craft papers, where people were invited to make a prayer collage. ...