As promised, another post inspired by the fabulous Inside Out . There were two moments in this film which really stood out for me. About halfway through the film, Joy and Sadness encounter Riley's childhood imaginary friend, Bing Bong. He's a pink elephant with a furry cat's tail whose tears are sweeties and who drives a rocket ship powered by singing. He was Riley's imaginary friend when she was three, but she's now eleven, on the cusp of puberty, and Bing Bong has been forgotten. He now lives in Riley's long term memory banks. Bing Bong is crying because his best friend has forgotten him. Joy is using all her peppy chirpiness to gee him up and get him going again, because they have a journey to make and he needs to show them the way. Unfortunately, it's not working; Bing Bong is still crying. Sadness sits down next to him and says, wow, your friend has forgotten you, that's really sad. Yes it is, Bing Bong says, cries a bit...