I described anxiety before as a many-headed beast. For a long time I was virtually free of symptoms, but then they came back in a totally unexpected way. I've always been someone who was confident in situations that made other people nervous - it's just the way I am. I've been doing public speaking since I was 11; I always rather enjoyed things like exams and interviews; I'm not intimidated by walking into a room full of people I don't know. But in my final year of ministerial formation, when I was going through the unsettling process whereby ministers are matched with churches, I started to find that things which had been easy for me before began to be very, very difficult. I remember sitting in a Christmas service at my sending church in Chelmsford waiting to do a Bible reading. This was a church full of people who knew and loved me, and I'd been asked to do one simple reading in a Christmas service - not a tall order for a trainee minister. But I was fre...